Sport- und Seminarhaus Walsertal is a service of

Tim Hüfner
Breiteweg 4
72401 Haigerloch

Telefon: +49-(0)7474-958044
Telefax: +49-(0)7474-958043

Legal information according to TDG & MDStV

Authorized Managing Directors: Tim Hüfner
USt.-Idnr gem. § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DExxxxxxxx

Responsible for content gem. § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV
Tim Hüfner

Concept & realization
Projekt- und Grafikwerkstatt

Legal Notice
The contents of the website have been carefully prepared. Particular emphasis was placed on providing accurate and timely information. Nevertheless, errors can occur. Furthermore, we point out that the information on the website is of a general nature, which are not tailored to the specific needs in each individual case. We assume no responsibility for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information. This also applies to information on external websites that are linked to the website via links. By the way, the following conditions apply to the use of the website:

The content and structure of our websites are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Information or data (text, image, graphics, sound, video or animation files) of the website may not be used or used in any form, even in part, without the prior written consent of Sport- und Seminarhaus Walsertal.

Brands and logos
The trademarks and logos used on the website are protected. It is not permitted to use these trademarks without the prior written consent of Sport- und Seminarhaus Walsertal.

A link to the website may only be set if it points to a page of the website (no deeplinks) and if this does not violate any rights of Sport- und Seminarhaus Walsertal, in particular copyrights, performance protection or trademark rights.


Phone: +49 172 1554411

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Sport- und Seminarhaus Walsertal
Oberrain 36c
A-6721 Thüringerberg